I know that it will be difficult in Rome, and I want to be realistic about that reality. What with not knowing anyone, or the language, or anything really it will be hard for little melancholic like myself. Missing all the weddings and ordinations back home.....Being in a foreign far away land completely unfamiliar to myself. But then again, with all the Church surrounding me, nothing could be closer to home. While homesickness for the States is a strong probability, a homesickness for Heaven is only highlighted in that, so thank God for homesickness. And lets be real, I am so excited for all the things that come with Rome. ROME!
I will limit myself at this time to only a few.

The intellectual challenge. Let's face it, I have loved my undergraduate experience, I wouldn't trade it, but it has not been the most intellectually challenging. I was looking at the fall schedule for this year and it is (almost) intimidating (SOO excited, plus I'm kind of a nerd) a couple of ethics courses, history of ancient philosophy, psychology, logic, (should I go on?) Latin about 4 more philosophy courses....a grand total of 29 credit hours....all in the first semester. But I am so excited, I have wanted to study all of these things for so long....
And if I start talking about liturgy......well, I just probably shouldn't, I did say I would stay brief........