St. Anthony of the Desert is one of my favorite saints, one of the Desert Fathers, and one of my own fathers. Today I have been pondering the great blessing of the dessert, a time and place devoid of all else but God himself and only work - the attainment of God. Anthony, hearing the call of God to renounce the world, gave all he had and went to live a life not worrying about tommorow but relying only on the providence of God. Living in silence, both exterior and interior, listening only for the whisper of God to secret places in the depth of the heart. The father of monastacism, defender of the church against heresey, and lover of God, this man gave up all to have the ALL in ALL. I have today been pondering how to live in the interior desert as Anthony did in order to recieve this ALL in ALL. Even though we may not be called to the desert at this time (but I would go in a minute!) there is still the renunciation that is required to follow Jesus on the narrow way leading to eternal life. I am just praying for God's mercy so that I may also hear His whisper even in the midst of the world.
And...I love the Eastern Church.....so here are some words from thier liturgy...
Troparion of St Anthony the Great Tone 4
Thou didst follow the ways of zealous Elijah,/ and the straight path of the Baptist, O Father Anthony./ Thou didst become a desert dweller/ and support the world by thy prayers./ Intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
Kontakion of St Anthony the Great Tone 2
Thou didst abandon the world’s tumult and live in silence,/ and emulate the Baptist, O Anthony./ Wherefore we acclaim thee with him,/ thou summit of the Fathers.