Happy New Year! What I really mean by that is Happy Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God! This is a print I did of our mother, the Mother of God. I am praying to her that she may teach me how to serve God better. I am also giving this next year to her, all that will happen, and all that will come with it. I know that she looks after me with a tenderness that is unmerited and will help me to do God's will, whatever that is. I also have posted some more photos of my art work, in a very wide range of subjects and mediums. Please also check out my new
Etsy account where you can purchase these works and see how much each of them cost. It would be easier for me if you just buy them directly from me by emailing me at
Tarynawatkins@gmail.com. Whatever you prefer though. I am excited to be endeavoring in this new venue, but I am praying that it is successful; I don't know what to expect!
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